Have you ever wondered what heart disease,
prostate cancer, weight gain, dementia, sagging muscles and erectile
dysfunction have in common? The obvious answer is that none of them feature on
your “want to have” lists but the less obvious answer is that they share one
common thing- Aging. Today, aging is
one of the major risk factors for a lot of things that you do not want to have.
And while we cannot prevent aging, we
can do something to ensure that we age optimally. By knowing how and why our
body changes with age, we can discourage alterations in cell, tissue and organ
What Contributes To Aging?
Though there are several factors that
contribute to aging, here are four major processes that break down our bodies
and age us from within:
- Oxidation- it is the
damage from free radicals that can take a toll on your sex life, the
condition of your brain and the appearance of your skin.
Inflammation- this is said to be the
starting point for some serious diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s,
dementia, diabetes, obesity and cancer.
Sugar- this sends your “fat storing
hormone known as insulin into overdrive and contributes to aging in a large
number of ways.
Stress- this forces your body to release
hormones known as cortisol that apart from other nasty things can shrink the
hippocampus. This is an important area of the brain that is involved in memory
and thinking.
Image Source - http://bit.ly/15yxmfs |
A Natural
There is one
natural remedy that can help you reduce the damage of aging. Among all of its
healing properties, its anti-aging properties are of special interest. Let us
take a look at how NONI fights the four main factors that contribute to aging:
Oxidation- NONI contains powerful
antioxidants and this prevents free radicals from forming in the body and thus
prevents cancer and several serious diseases. NONI fruit increases the level of
Nitric Oxide in the body and this contributes to several other beneficial
factors. It is found to be signaling a molecule that is involved in controlling
the blood, regulating activities of the brain, kidney, liver, lungs, stomach
and different other organs of the body. Nitric Oxide is also known to increase
the immune response against the radical replication of cells.
Inflammation-High levels of Scopoletin
are found in NONI and this property of the fruit makes NONI an
anti-inflammatory solution. Again, Scopoletin is a natural powerhouse of
healing. It is an effective combatant against deadly staph viruses. As an
anti-inflammatory agent, it reduces swelling in limbs and joints and its
pain-relief properties are of great help against arthritis and other joint
Sugar-NONI as a natural fruit benefits
diabetic sufferers greatly. Compounds in NONI like Triterpenes and Saponins are
significant in reducing blood sugar levels. Freeze dried NONI powder naturally revitalizes the cells in the
body, rebuilds the immune system and restores health naturally.
Stress-NONI fruit has a positive impact
on stress induced impairment of cognitive function. The fruit has a protective
effect that is related to stress induced decreases in the blood vessel density.
There are adaptogens present in NONI help to normalize the body at the times of
physical and mental stress.
It goes without
saying that NONI has all the constituents to fight all the factors that can
contribute to aging. Being a natural product, it works at a cellular level
repairing your cells from damage and in the process boosts your immune system. The
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients of NONI fruit helps you maintain
a healthy body and go a long way to keep you looking young.