Salveo Andaman Noni happens to be one of the top notch
products of Salveo Life Sciences Limited. There are a very few places in the
world, conducive for the growth of Noni. Andaman is one such place in India
that allows the growth of the Noni fruit.
It is believed that the fruit grows best in volcanic regions and areas around
it. Thus, it is for this reason that places like Tahiti and Fiji tend the
growth of this organic fruit in abundance. These areas have a temperature
ranging from 20 degree to 30 degree Celsius and display negligible fluctuation
in its weather conditions.
The Freeze dried Noni powder provided by the company, retains almost 99% of the fruit essentials,
thereby ensuring the efficacy of the product. Since the product is sold in the form
of powder and capsules, the product, unlike so many other health supplements, keeps the other indispensible nutrients like
Zinc, copper and Iron intact. This rejuvenating dietary supplement, not only
encapsulates essential anti-oxidants, but also regularizes stress and performs
several other health functions such as regulating cholesterol, Diabetics and
Cancer. To add to the tally, it also speeds up the metabolism of the human
body; thereby lending a perfect balance to the whole process, that results in a
sound body and mind.
It is a team of doctors and experts that come together, to
provide the world with a supplement that is free from any side effects. It is
during times such as these, that technicalities namely Lyohphilization, came
into play. The whole process of Lyohphilization ensures that the biological
activity of the fruit is maintained, even in its packed form. Thus, in a
nutshell, Andaman Noni is a one stop
solution; making way for healthy living.
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