Thursday, 8 January 2015

Too Good To Be True

There are some cynics who doubt Noni’s efficacy in treating multiple ailments. Some say it is nothing but sheer marketing gimmick. But, before one jumps to conclusions, it’s best to get the facts right. 

Widely touted as nature’s miracle fruit, Noni – the fruit of Morinda citrifolia– belongs to Rubiaceae family. It is endowed with magical properties owing to neutraceuticals.

Much before the presence of these neutraceuticals was identified in Noni, the fruit was a part of folklore for generations for its innumerable therapeutical benefits.

These days, thanks to our stressful lifestyles, almost all of us tend to suffer from one health problem or the other. High stress levels, constant pressure of deadlines, erratic schedules, poor nutrition and lack of exercise make matters worse. 

More often than not, today’s healthcare system cannot quite weed out the problem but can mask the symptoms and provide symptomatic relief. Which is why there arises a need to go for a holistic approach for a healthier and happier life. Which include emphasis on disease prevention, dietary modifications, intake of nutritional supplements and following exercise regimens.

Nowadays Noni is widely used as a dietary supplement worldwide and millions of people around the globe bear testimony to its therapeutic effectiveness. A small dose of Noni can not only provide relief from existing health problems but also prevent the onset of others.

Extensive research has already been done and yielded positive results in areas of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, pain, vascular diseases. And the list of Noni’s beneficiaries includes children, pregnant women, lactating mothers and elderly persons, all of whom swear by Noni’s efficacy. 


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