Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Ounce of NONI in DENGUE

Dengue is one disease entity with different clinical presentations and often with unpredictable clinical evolution and outcome. It is the most common mosquito borne viral disease of humans that has become a major international concern now .Not only the incidence of dengue cases in new areas have increased  but the outbreaks have also increased dramatically.

The epidemic vector of dengue that transmits the disease to human is the Aedes aegypti mosquito.This mosquito is about 5mm in size, identified by white bands or patterns in its neck and the thorax region and generally bites in early morning and late afternoon.

There are four distinct serotypes of the virus that causes dengue (DEN -1, DEN- 2, DEN-3, DEN- 4) and the recovery from any one of the infections provides lifelong immunity to that particular infection.

As of now the dengue virus transmission or interruption of human –vector contact is the only method available for the prevention of this disease. It has been found that the eggs of Ae. aegypti can remain viable for months even in absence of water.

After the incubation period, the illness is usually followed by three phases-febrile, critical and recovery phase.

The diagnosis of dengue fever is at times difficult as the symptoms usually overlap with any other viral infection such as severe head ache, nausea, vomiting, severe joint and body ache and there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. Relief of the symptoms by medication, intake of lot of fluid and proper rest are the only treatments of choice. Thus, here comes the role of alternate medicine.

Salveo Andaman Noni is a natural and safe dietary supplement that has the proven ability to boost the immunity. Noni is loaded with 150 neutraceuticals that act in a synergistic manner at the cellular level and repairs the damaged cells. Clinically it has been proven to be an effective natural remedy that substantially improves thrombocytopenia and helps in rapid normalization of clinical and biochemical parameters.


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