Nitric Oxide(NO) is the ‘miracle molecule’ that is present
in Noni .Over the last several years revolutionary discoveries have been made
concerning nitric oxide and its remarkable contribution in number of cell
functions .The researchers investigating the health benefits of Noni have even won
the Noble prize for medicine. While Noni does not contain Nitric oxide, but it
has been established that Noni promotes the biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide.
Studies have revealed
that supplementation of diet with noni results in substantial increase in
macrophage activity. But its activity is not just confined to be a potent
antimicrobial agent but also perform a number of functions inside human body:
- It is a key molecule used by our body to transport oxygen
- It relaxes arteries there by maintaining adequate supply of blood coming to heart, preventing angina pain
- It is a potent free radical scavenger that contributes to lowering of cholesterol levels and preventing LDL cholesterol from oxidizing.
- It helps in premature coagulation of blood thus preventing clotting
- It is used by brain to encode long term memory
- It aids in the regulation of insulin secretion by pancreas and thus prevents or controls diabetes
- It stimulates body to release the extremely important human growth hormone.
No wonder that due to these
innumerable benefits, nitric oxide was voted as ‘molecule of the year’- in 1992.
Thus for longevity and overall
body improvement start your day with Noni.
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