Prolonged sitting hours in office, increased work load and stress is having a negative impact on health, leading to a number of disorders. Not only just fatigue but remaining glued to the chair and limited movements for prolonged hours give rise to complications such as:
• Blood circulation
• Spondilysis
• obesity
• Panic attacks
• Diabetes
• Indigestion
• Hormonal imbalance
Now many multinational companies are insisting their employees to mandatorily practice office yoga or office chair exercises. These 15 minutes extra efforts not only relieves physically but also mentally and gives a boost to face the long day ahead.
There are several benefits of office yoga. It is convenient, improves energy and self esteem, strength to work for long hours without affecting the productivity. Office yoga also imparts an overall feeling of wellness and ultimately reduces healthcare expenses. The whole concept is so viral that one just needs the spark to start it and the process goes on and on.
Given below is the simple chair yoga plan for office
For neck:
• Breathe in as you bend your head in the right direction.
• Try to up to the point where your shoulder touches the ear.
• Exhale as you bring your back to the normal position.
• Repeat on the left side.
• Perform five breathing cycles on each side.
For wrist:

- Stretch your wrist and fingers and hold them up for a count of 5.
- Make a tight fist and then bend wrist down while keeping the fist and hold it for a count of 5.
- Repeat the same with other hand.
For back:
• Sit with your back straight in a comfortable position as for meditation.
• Close your eyes and inhale and exhale
• Breathe normally.
• Repeat again.
Twists for spine and abdomen
- Inhale and hold the back of chair with feet flat on floor
- Place left palm on your right thigh and look over your right shoulder and twist.
- Exhale
- Repeat the same looking over left shoulder.
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