Friday, 10 April 2015

Noni Alleviates The Debilitating Effects Of Diabetes

We constantly hear diabetes is a serious and fatal disease. How many of us really know about diabetes? The truth is mostly people don’t know what diabetes is.

In simpler words, diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes high blood sugar level for a prolonged period. The disorder arises due to a substance called ‘Insulin’. Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by the pancreas. It promotes the transportation and absorption of blood glucose to various cells. There are three main types of diabetes:
  • Diabetes Type I:                                                                                  When the body does not produce insulin
  • Diabetes Type II:                                                                                 Body cells produce insufficient insulin. Type II diabetes accounts for about 90% cases of diabetes.
  • Gestational Diabetes:                                                                          Affects pregnant females, as their body is unable to produce enough insulin to transport glucose to cells resulting in high glucose levels.
 Type II diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes may occur due to a number of reasons and can be prevented or treated with a modification in lifestyle.

Insulin resistance
Defect in the pancreas cells(beta cells)
Reduced number of beta cells

A survey conducted on 2,773 noni users for diabetic condition have highlighted the fact that more than 83% users have benefited  and experienced significant relief in their diabetic condition.

Noni is adaptogenic. It helps in normalizing the effect of sick beta cells and repair them resulting to produce more insulin. This increase in the level of insulin will consequently bring down the blood sugar level and stabilize it.

Noni also acts an imunomodulator and enhances the sluggish immune system. Thousands of testimonials and historical data have established the efficacy of noni in relieving the symptoms of


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