Wikipedia defines sleep as a naturally recurring state characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles. For a lay person sleep is a way to relax the body from day’s stress.
But unfortunately, today sleep is the last thing playing on people’s mind. Burdened by constant pressure to outshine competition in the work sphere and achieving targets, we end up compromising on sleep. Late night business meetings and working on laptops is spelling doom for our body cycle. As a result, the number of people under the grip of lifestyle diseases is increasing day by day.
An optimal amount of sleep is required by everyone for good health but the sleep timing of the body is controlled by circadian clock that makes it possible for the body to maintain a rhythm between the biological need and behaviour to the changes in the day and night cycle.
Most of us are unaware that deprivation of sleep leads to various health problems such as:
• Risk of heart disease
• Weak immune system
• Risk of obesity, diabetes
• Increased reaction time, fatigue
• Irritability and loss of memory
To get proper sleep certain habits should be avoided before going off to bed.
Habits such as;
• prolonged working hours
• heavy dinner
• smoking or caffeinated drinks
• chatting or talking too much, watching TV disturbs the sleep cycle and makes you feel lethargic throughout the day.
In spite of following the above regimen still if you are not getting sleep then you might be suffering from insomnia and should consult doctor as soon as possible.
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