Monday, 30 March 2015

Why I trust Noni

“Today it may seem to be like a story but that day, I survived an attack just because of this miracle fruit.”A.K Kapoor (name changed) 40yrs, Gujarat.

He is just one example who has got back a new life due to noni.

“During my visit to the virgin islands of Andaman and Nicobar, I got introduced to the fruit for the first time. The ripen fruit looked fleshy and somewhat translucent green but it had an unpleasant smell like that of a rotten cheese. Yet I did not realise that this fruit could have incredible health benefits. Travelling throughout the day to various Islands, I had an opportunity to see the shrubs bearing noni fruits throughout the coastline and in the cultivated lands too.

The native people of the islands told me that noni has been known for its therapeutic properties since the time of Polynesians dating back to 2000 years. Not only the fruit was used as food either raw or cooked but the other parts of the plant as well had some or the other healing properties. Ever since then the relation has grown stronger with time. Now people are enjoying the fruit in form of dietary supplements as it has been proved to contain about 150 nutraceuticals. 

While returning back from Andaman and Nicobar, I made it a point to collect a bottle of noni supplement available in form of capsules since the fruit was perishable.

I always suffered from high blood pressure, so with prior permission from my family doctor I started using it. I generally took two capsules a day. One in the morning before breakfast, another late evening before dinner. Within few weeks after taking the supplement, I felt more energetic and enhanced feeling of well being.

One November evening driving back home, I was feeling restless, fatigue, sweating and pain in my back. I somehow managed to reach home. My family immediately called for the doctor and started cursing the noni supplement. As they were not in favour of taking the supplement. The doctor arrived and said that I had a minor attack and needed to be shifted to the hospital.

I got all my tests done and returned home within few days. My family physician said that I could survive the attack due to the health supplement I was taking. Though, I was unable to convince my family completely. Sitting at home I started devoting my time to research the facts about noni and testimonials of other satisfied users.

But my trust on Noni has saved my life!"

Friday, 27 March 2015

Noni Alleviates Mental Disorder

Psychiatric or mental disorder is an anomaly in mental or behavioural pattern that impairs the ability to function normally in ordinary life. Mental disorder alters the particular function of brain, in other words it affects how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives. It hampers the quality of life and has emerged as a major public health concern.

Noni, Morinda citrifolia belonging to Rubiaceae family is one such plant that is known for its multiple uses and undoubted abilities. As accepted by modern science, it has been reported to heal a number of health problems when consumed in form of dietary supplement.

A research study conducted to evaluate the antipsychotic effect of noni fruits using mouse models demonstrated the antidopaminergic effect of M. Citrifolia suggesting it useful in treatment of psychiatric disorders. Dopamine is a hormone that acts a neuro transmitter in brain. It regulates the movements of the body at the same time controls the emotions such as pain, excitement etc. Antidopaminergic substance such as noni blocks the dopamine from adhering to receptors and takes control over the receptors that could have led to unwanted reactions or behaviour.

The difference between Noni and other drugs exhibiting antidopaminergic effect is that these drugs tend to interact with other medications leading to adverse reactions but noni on the other hand is safe and effective and does not show any major adverse reactions. In addition to the antidopaminergic effect, noni fruit also exhibits analgesics properties. When noni juice was fed to rats, they had greater pain tolerance as compared to rats fed with placebo. 

Noni is used in many neuro protective herbal preparations for its effectiveness against central nervous systems, in managing sleep disorder, depression, stress and boosting energy level.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Stop Tuberculosis (TB) Today And Forever

Many of us still live with the notion that TB isn’t a threat anymore. However the fact is more than 2 billion people are infected with this killer disease. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a slow growing bacterium is the causative organism of tuberculosis. TB affects mainly lungs nevertheless it affects lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tracts, heart, kidney, bones and joints.

TB is becoming a serious health problem due to numerous reasons such as rise in HIV infection, no. of people immigrating from areas where TB is prevalent, poor health and poor nutrition, people not complying with the complete medication schedule leading to resistant organisms.

Transmission of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis spreads through droplets released in the air when a person coughs, sneezes, spits, talks and sings and the germs are breathed in by susceptible persons or person who has weak immune system.

Symptoms of Tuberculosis:

The symptoms of Tuberculosis are
  • Persistent cough for more than 2-3  weeks(often bleeding)
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Night sweats
If the condition has aggravated then often leads to collection of fluid, pleural effusion making the person breathless.

  • TB can be diagnosed
  • By chest X-ray
  • Skin test
  • Sputum sample

TB is curable and for treatment, combination of antibiotics or multiple drug therapy works better than single antibiotics.The medications commonly used for treatment of tuberculosis include-Isoniazid, Rifampin and pyrazinamide.

WHO has launched DOTS (Direct Observation Treatment, short course) a tuberculosis controlling strategy. It is a short period treatment that cures TB but sticking to the treatment schedule is of importance.


TB vaccine or BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) is used to prevent TB in many countries. But a healthy diet, exercise, taking proper health supplement and maintaining a balanced lifestyle gives boost to the immune system and helps preventing it.

Friday, 20 March 2015

FAQS That You Would Love To Know About Noni

1. What is so in special in noni that makes it a “super fruit”? 

Noni, the fruit of Morinda citrifolia has an array of phytochemicals such as xeronine,  scopoletin, damnacanthal, terpenes, sterols, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals and 12 adaptogens, which gives a boost to its therapeutic powers. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) which is a unit of measuring antioxidants is 340,000 units in noni.

2. Is Noni Safe?

Noni has been used by thousands of people worldwide, by all age groups and working in any sector. It is not known to interact with any medication except coumadin or warfarin. Thus be sure to consult healthcare professionals before using noni in such conditions.

3. Are there any side-effects of consuming Noni?

There are significantly no side effects after consuming noni, apart from mild diarrhoea, which subsides within 24 hours.
But patients suffering from kidney problems should not consume noni since it is rich in potassium and minerals which might aggravate the underlying kidney condition.

4. When should one start taking Noni as a health supplement?

Noni is not a medicine, so you don’t have to wait for the health problems to arise. It not only helps in relieving numerous health disorders but also promotes the overall improved health and prevents the onset of disorders.

5. How is noni able to target so many health problems at the same 

Noni’s therapeutic action is no more a secret. Noni is known to possess adaptogens which helps the body to adapt to variety of conditions. Research indicate it is Dr. Heinicke theory of xeronine system which is adapted by Noni that imparts it the power to fight at the  cellular level and aid the ‘sick cells’ regain their normal activity .Thus playing a pivotal role in maintaining good health.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Beat Chronic Fatigue With Noni

All of us at some point of time get tired or fatigue, but if this tiredness refuses to leave in spite of sufficient sleep or rest, it is called as chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue lasts for months and years affecting everyday life. Though the exact reason is still unknown but the various factors that may lead to such syndrome are

Any infection by virus
Weak immune system
Hormonal imbalance
Age, gender
Stress or trauma

The symptoms generally include headache, unexplained muscle pain, sore throat, loss of concentration, sleep disorder and depression.

The power of noni in relieving chronic fatigue syndrome is reported by a large number of users around the world. According to a survey, 87% people taking noni have significantly benefited in sleep disorder and around 77% people suffering from depression.  
Since the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown therefore it is difficult to pin-point the exact action of noni in alleviating the syndrome. But xeronine is the key component providing dramatic relief to those suffering from it.

The Xeronine system works hand in hand with other nutrients such as terpenes present in noni and aid in cell rejuvenation, repair and new cell synthesis.

Another way noni helps in fighting chronic fatigue disorder is through a series of biochemical reactions that stimulates the synthesis of serotonin.

Serotonins plays multiple roles in relieving symptoms such as depression, anxiety and bring about a “calm down” effect by increasing elasticity in blood vessels, improving brain’s pain threshold and promoting healthy sleep patterns.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Healthy From Within

Noni- world’s most wonderful food, containing a plethora of phytochemical and nutrients help the body to function optimally. Noni helps to boost the immune system, relieves pain, strengthens the heart, makes you feel healthy from within and prevents the onset of various other health disorders. Making noni your companion in form of dietary supplement will stimulate the body to produce xeronine from proxeronine. Xeronine through a series of biochemical processes repairs the abnormally working cells. This process is well demonstrated by ‘Heinicke-Solomon theory’. The theory postulates that the xeronine system works hand in hand with Golgi apparatus in helping the sick cells to become healthy again.

Likewise Noni also synergistically stimulates the production of a multi-talented substance called as nitric oxide, a valuable substance that provides numerous benefits to the body. Besides fighting cancer, nitric oxide helps in lowering of blood pressure and takes care of the overall cardiovascular health.

Another component that is stimulated by noni is ‘Interferon’. Interferon-y has a biological effect as it aids in the activation of macrophages, which plays a lead role in immunity. The primary secretion of macrophages, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) has been known to destroy the tumor cells.

Those who take noni begin to experience its positive effects immediately in every sphere of life as it:

•    Lowers high blood pressure
•    Helps in weight loss
•    Improves circulation
•    Improves sleep and concentration
•    Improves social and sex life

However, the effect multiples more with a healthy lifestyle and at least twenty minutes of exercise.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Glaucoma- The Silent Thief Of Sight

Can’t see the above images clearly?

These images clearly exemplifies difficulties a person with glaucoma finds in seeing things, what we have otherwise taken for granted .

Glaucoma is an eye disorder that result in optic nerve damage. It is often referred to as the silent thief of sight since the loss of vision occurs gradually without any prior symptoms. But at times it causes sudden and severe eye pain, blurred vision, and headache .After cataract it is the second leading cause of blindness and half of the population is not aware that they are suffering from this disease.

Of many risk factors, ocular hypertension is one of the most important factors of Glaucoma. Everyone over the age of 60 is at an increased risk of glaucoma but anyone and everyone can get it at any point of time. Glaucoma generally runs in family, so one should have a comprehensive dialated eye examination, eye pressure measurement and visual field tests done at least once in two years. 

Glaucoma cannot be cured and vision loss is permanent however with early treatment and proper medication, the vision loss can be slowed or halted. The treatment for glaucoma usually involves eye drops, laser or surgery.

The various risk factors for glaucoma are:
  • High or elevated intra ocular pressure: As discussed earlier, if internal high pressure is more than normal then it may lead to Glaucoma.
  • Family history
  • Age
  • Origin: Ethnic background is found to be one of the risk factors; people having Asian decent are  more susceptible to develop glaucoma as compared to Caucasian origin.
  • Other medical conditions: Medical conditions such as diabetes, eye tumours, lens dislocation, hypothyroidism, trauma, stress may increase the risk.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

The Happiness Chemistry

Who doesn’t like being happy? But how many of us really know the chemistry behind this. A hormone called serotonin holds the key to being happy.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is biologically derived from and amino acid tryptophan. It increases positive attitude, elevates mood, regulates sleep, enhances social behaviour and boosts memory. Several studies have indicated that good mood is directly proportional to the level of serotonin in blood.

It is interesting to note that Noni (Morinda citrifolia), a universal health supplement already known for its versatile health benefits stimulates production of serotonin. Serotonin is also a precursor for sleep hormone melatonin which induces sleep and relaxes the body. Scopoletin, another important component of noni binds to this serotonin keeping the serotonin levels high and thus helps in relieving pain, regulating temperature, hunger and sexual behaviour.

Serotonin 5-hydroxy tryptamine is essentially found in brain, gastrointestinal tract and platelets.

Not just at the place of its origin but people across the world have been benefited from the unbelievable healing power of noni health supplement. Modern researches pertaining to the various neutraceuticals present in this fruit has given promising results and proved it to alleviate indications such as hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, chronic pain and fatigue. Due to the presence of these outstanding properties, it has managed to find its place in the new category of fruits known as “Super fruits”.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Sleep Tight, Sleep Right

Wikipedia defines sleep as a naturally recurring state characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles. For a lay person sleep is a way to relax the body from day’s stress. 

But unfortunately, today sleep is the last thing playing on people’s mind. Burdened by constant pressure to outshine competition in the work sphere and achieving targets, we end up compromising on sleep. Late night business meetings and working on laptops is spelling doom for our body cycle. As a result, the number of people under the grip of lifestyle diseases is increasing day by day.

An optimal amount of sleep is required by everyone for good health but the sleep timing of the body is controlled by circadian clock that makes it possible for the body to maintain a rhythm between the biological need and behaviour to the changes in the day and night cycle.

Most of us are unaware that deprivation of sleep leads to various health problems such as: 

Risk of heart disease
Weak immune system
Risk of obesity, diabetes
Increased reaction time, fatigue
Irritability and loss of memory

To get proper sleep certain habits should be avoided before going off to bed. 

Habits such as;
prolonged working hours
heavy dinner
smoking or caffeinated drinks
chatting or talking too much, watching TV disturbs the sleep cycle and makes you feel lethargic throughout the day. 

In spite of following the above regimen still if you are not getting sleep then you might be suffering from insomnia and should consult doctor as soon as possible.