If you are suffering from symptoms such as running nose, fever, cough and cold, loose motion, body ache then don’t just ignore it by assuming it to be simply any other viral infection. As you might be suffering from the symptoms of swine flu.
According to Ministry of Health, there is a sudden spurt in swine flu cases. 6,298 laboratory tests have confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza virus A reported from across the country. Since this virus has the ability to mutate thus the patients may not always complain of high fever but just sore throat and loose motion.
Swine flu is a contagious viral infection that is transmitted to human from the pigs. Anyone or everyone is susceptible to this virus. Young children, elderly people and immuno compromised people are more likely to get the infection. The infection doesn’t spread from eating cooked pig meat, but transmitted from person to person through droplets containing virus during coughing or sneezing.
Patients develop severe respiratory infection but usually die of respiratory failure or secondary bacterial infections of lungs like pneumonia, sepsis, neurological problems and dehydration.
Vaccines are available to beat this virus however the effectiveness of the vaccine is still in question.
Prevention is always better than cure!
The best way to prevent yourself from this tricky virus is to avoid going to crowded places or at least be away from persons showing such symptoms. Wearing mask can avoid being in contact with the droplets though it gives only 50% protection. In Addition washing and sanitizing of hands properly, throwing of the used napkins into the bin after use can help in arresting the infection. Patients can transmit the infection to other people 8-10 days after the first symptoms strikes.
Many researchers have suggested that keeping yourself well hydrated, taking good health supplement, taking proper rest may aid in faster recovery and strengthening immune system to fight the infection.
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