Friday, 30 August 2013

Why Are Antioxidants Important?

Today health headlines are mostly focused around the topics of antioxidants. You cannot buy foods at the store without noticing the antioxidant hype. Though a cup of kale a day will not necessarily keep the doctor away, research shows that a daily diet with at least five servings of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables help reduce your risk of developing a lot of diseases. Antioxidants form a front line defense against the cell damage caused by the free radicals that are involved in the joint, muscle, tendon damage and inflammation, degenerative arthritis and even in the aging process. Antioxidants have got a great press and rightfully so. But do you know how they work inside our bodies and what are some of the sources of antioxidants? Since antioxidants are highly touted these days, it is important to separate fact from fiction. Here are some of the things you should know about antioxidants:

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What is an antioxidant?

Antioxidant is a substance that inhibits oxidation. They are important because they fight free radicals. We are being attacked by millions of pollutants and toxins each and every day. Our bodies in fact work overtime to remove and breakdown the toxic invaders of our healthy systems. Antioxidants basically protect other compounds from the destroying effects of oxygen. To understand antioxidants better, you need to understand: Free radicals Oxygen is important to live but as our bodies use oxygen, we generate by-products that are known as reactive oxygen species or free radicals. They are a normal part of the body’s stress response but they can damage the healthy cells and attack the fats that structure the membranes surrounding body cells. You can find free radicals everywhere- in the air and in our bodies. They are responsible for the deterioration of plastics, the degradation of works of art, the fading of paint, aging related illness and can also contribute to heart attacks, strokes and cancers.

What is the role of antioxidants?

Research shows that antioxidants have a beneficial impact on Diseases antioxidants prevent Research into antioxidants is still in its infancy. Epidemiological studies show that a diet rich in antioxidants is associated with longevity and good health. Clinical trials using antioxidants have shown that they play preventive role in:

• Cardiovascular disease
• Macular degeneration
• Aging
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Cancer

Did you know?

• Using natural sources for antioxidants is anytime better than taking pills.
• Your body absorbs the natural vitamin much faster and more completely than the pill.
• Eating foods in their most natural and raw state is the best method to retain the maximum absorption of antioxidants.
• Water is essential to give the antioxidants the ability to work.

NONI-the powerhouse of antioxidants

Since the local whole foods are not enough to satisfy the antioxidant craze, the supplement industry decided to respond to consumer demands by supplying the market with high antioxidant exotic fruits like NONI. NONI or Morinda plant is a tropical evergreen tree that grows about 10 feet tall. Different parts of the tree are used in curing various diseases. NONI is the powerhouse of antioxidants. When our immune system is in overdrive from stress, an overproduction of internal steroids and hormones causes a snowball reaction of more stress. NONI works on our immune system making it stronger. The naturally occurring concentrations of polysaccharides, phytonutrients and bioflavonoids present in NONI deliver a wealth of antioxidant and nutritional benefits. The compounds that are found in NONI have been scientifically shown to be supporting healthy immune function and protecting healthy cells from environment stress. Bottom Line NONI serves as a small adjunct for vibrant energy. It is one of the most natural ways supporting the intake of antioxidants. Therefore, take a healthy dose of NONI rich in antioxidants and slow down your age related issues and enjoy a more healthy and fit life.

The maintenance of good health. It helps you maintain your immune system on a daily basis. Emerging scientific studies suggest that a diet rich in antioxidant foods supports luminous skin and eyes and maintain healthy organs and tissues. Antioxidants are known to counteract the effects of oxidation. It is a chemical process by which the electrons of our cells are transferred to an oxidizing agent. An apple slice turning brown is an everyday example of oxidation. Antioxidants, as it goes, neutralize or fight the process.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Diabetes Increases at an Alarming Rate in India!

Diabetes is a chronic condition that is marked by the abnormal level of glucose in the blood. The major complications are both acute and chronic. The treatment depends on the type and severity of the condition. Doctors refer to it as diabetes mellitus.

According to a recent study conducted by the International Diabetes Federation, it has been found out that more than 50 million people in India are diabetic. On August 19, 2013, the HT Correspondent of Hindustan Times published that by the next 17 years; India, US and China are supposed to have the largest number of diabetics. And every fifth person with diabetes is supposed to be an Indian. This alarming rise in the prevalence of diabetes in India is primarily on account of our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.

Common Symptoms:
  • Excessive hunger (polyphagia) and thirst (polydipsia)
  • Slow healing of sores or bruises
  • Extreme urination (polyuria)
  • Too much of weight loss
  • Excessive drowsiness or tiredness
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Numbness of hands and feet
Foods to avoid for diabetics
            ·         Salt
·         Sugar
·         Fat
·         Whole milk products
·         White flour and its products
·         Foods containing glycemic index

Special foods for diabetics
  • Indian blackberry (jamun)
  • Bitter gourd (karela)
  • Fenugreek (methi)
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Flaxseed
  • Cinnamon solutions
  • Fiber

Fact File:
  • The emerging epidemic of diabetes owes its origin to rapid increases in obesity and physical inactivity.
  • Total number of deaths is projected to rise by more than 50 percent in the next 10 years.
  • The main cause of blindness among individuals aged 20-74 is diabetes.
  • Diabetes is known to cause 6 deaths every minute. Around 3.2 million deaths in the world is due to diabetes every year.
  • Men with diabetes are at a greater risk for erectile dysfunction than non-diabetic men.
  • Individuals with apple shaped bodies are more diabetic prone than pear shaped bodies
  • Inhaled insulin is the emerging 21st century option for diabetic people
  • Experts claim that diabetes decreases life expectancy by around 10 years
  • Researchers opine that every two hours of television viewing is associated with 14 percent increase in the risk of diabetes
  • Diabetes is responsible for more than one million amputations each year.
People who have a family history of diabetes are the ones who are most vulnerable to this disease. Controlled intake of carbohydrate is one of the most important aspects of diabetes management. Your goal would be to lower your blood glucose and improve your body’s use of insulin. This can be achieved by maintaining a first-rate immune system. Now the immune system is not responsive to drugs having harmful chemical effects. These chemicals fail to generate results on the immune system.

The medical and nutritive forces of a natural diabetes cure named NONI supports the immune system and acts as a healing agent. It rebuilds the immune system and restores health naturally. Therefore if the health and immunity of an individual is continuously maintained, he will no longer be vulnerable to any disease. NONI revitalizes the cells in the body naturally and therefore is a better alternative to prescription medicine.
It is never too late to enjoy the health benefits of NONI. With the help of the right diet, exercise and intake of purely processed freeze dried NONI powder, the immune system can be restored and maintained perfectly. Therefore, take the charge today and make diabetes a thing of the past.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

5 Effective Ways to Control Blood Pressure

High blood pressure which is also known as hypertension is a deadly killer. Problems of high blood pressure endanger the lives of a large number of people. This medical condition has resulted in many fatalities in the recent years. Since the problem is deemed to be hereditary, some people need to take care not to aggravate their risk of suffering from this disease.

According to a research conducted by the Public Health Research of India, 20 to 30 percent of Indians suffer from high blood pressure. Experts claim that the number of blood pressure patients in India is supposed to rise to 214 million by 2030. Some people commonly mistake the symptoms of headache or dizzy spells as normal effects of tiredness or exhaustion. This contributes to the reason why a large number of people have died from just a single bout of hypertension.

Therefore, if you suffer from high blood pressure, do not let this silent disease take a toll on your health and life. Let us take a look at what you can do to prevent the consequences of blood pressure.

·         Check your weight: The World Health Statistics of 2012 state that 24% men and 22.6 % women in India aged 25 years and above suffer from the problems of high blood pressure. The report also says that in India women are more likely to be obese than men. People with greater body mass tend to experience more pressure on the walls of their heart’s artery. This is because the heart needs to produce blood that is proportional to the size of the body requiring oxygen and nutrients. This is the reason that these individuals face higher risks of suffering from hypertension. Therefore, one way to protect yourself from this is to watch your weight.

·         Keep stress at bay: one of the major reasons why people get hypertension attacks is because of stress. Relieving your stress therefore would not wreck such a great havoc on your body. Cardiovascular diseases have over the years evolved as an important health problem in India. Researches show that there are 1.5 million annual deaths in India due to high blood pressure occurring from stress.

·         Be active physically: if you are not active physically most of the times, the heart is forced to contract every time. This releases a greater pressure on the heart and therefore regulating your heart rate by conditioning your body is essential. You can do this by indulging in simple exercises or by keeping yourself engaged in your favorite sports. This will keep you from getting bored from your daily routines.

·         Check your diet: researches show that intake of a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. Clinical expert Ishi Khosla is of the view that high blood pressure can be managed with an adequate intake of calcium, fiber, phytochemicals and Omega 3 fats. You can read the food labels whenever you shop and stick to your plan when you are dinning out as well. You can however treat yourself naturally. 

·         Try out a natural remedy: Morinda Citrifolia that is commonly known as NONI have been discovered to naturally maintain healthy blood pressure. The healing properties of this fruit not only normalize but reduce blood pressure as well. Since NONI is high in vitamin C, phytonutrients and selenium, the effective antioxidants combat the free radical damages that occur within the walls of the blood vessels. Since the freeze dried NONI powder is derived directly from the NONI fruit, it is a purely natural method of treating various diseases without the fear of any harmful side effects.

 Therefore, you can follow the above mentioned tips and ensure that the medicine you have is devoid of any harmful side effects. Battling out hypertension is not a difficult task if one has the right spirit. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bid Adieu to Weight Loss the Natural Way

Gone are the days of being a couch potato and carrying all those extra pounds on your body. Today, obesity is a matter of grave concern among men and women all across the world as the new mantra doing the rounds is “thin is in”. 

So you have checked your diet, sweated off those countless calories and taken your medicines on time. Initially you might have watched your pounds melt away. But surprisingly the scale comes to a screeching halt. It is usually the last few pounds that are harder to shed. According to a research conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, it has been found out that for every pound you lose, your metabolism slows down by up to 20 calories per day. This is an unfortunate law of weight loss. 

It is for this reason that diet drugs have turned into a multibillion dollar industry. The ads claim to melt away all your pounds but the question is how much they can deliver? Even if we keep the weight questions aside, diet drugs have been associated with some serious heart problems and several other health related issues. Diet pills have been linked to a number of deaths as well. And as they hinder the absorption of fat in your body, they prohibit the absorption of vital nutrients. This is because most weight loss pills are appetite suppressants or stimulants. This is true in case of both prescription drugs and over the counter drugs. 

But the good news is that some easy tweaks to your established habits can push you past your plateau and help you reach your ultimate weight loss goal. Apart from avoiding the red meat market and indulging in some exercises you can also try something natural. The NONI fruit is a great source of fiber and proteins. It is a holistic remedy that is made from the fruit that grows in the Asia-Pacific region. It is a completely natural cure for obesity. It is one such herbal supplement that can be an integral part of your weight loss program. 

Again, when it comes to the harmful side effects, NONI as a natural product comes with no side effects. The Nutrition Business Journal recently published that the NONI is one of the best selling botanicals. Through ages NONI has been used as a balancing agent and it stabilizes the body to be in a perfect health and shape. The antioxidants present slow down age-related changes in the human body.

The benefits of NONI are therefore wide-ranged and with NONI you can lose your weight the natural way without having to worry about the harmful side effects. It is tested and proven to have generated positive results in thousands of individuals. It is now your turn to try out this natural product and bid adieu to your weight loss worries the natural way.