Thursday, 20 August 2015

Effect Of Noni On The Immune System

Morinda citrifolia (noni) belonging to Rubiaceae family has been known for its medical or therapeutic uses since ages. In Sanskrit noni is called as ‘Ashyuka’ which means longevity. Truly with its arsenal of more than 150 neutraceuticals it has miraculously touched the lives of millions!
Noni, the aspirin of the ancient world is today’s immodulator. It has immense potential to activate the immune system. There are several interleukins that is thought to be stimulated by consumption of noni One such Interleukin-10 has the potential to be used as anti-inflammatory agents for chronic inflammation, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Similarly noni stimulates interferon y that aids in activation of the macrophages and the overall process of cell-mediated immunity. These macrophages secrete the tumor necrosis factor and play an important role in stimulating the growth of blood vessels and involved in the healing of wounds.

Noni is also known to stimulate the production of natural killer cells that helps in getting rid of the viral infected cells or tumor cells. Some of the studies conducted in the American University have shown promising reports and have shown evidences that noni can help in fighting the body against cancer.

So we know, noni activates the immune system and work against many diseases. The scientific research coupled with ancient uses undoubtedly proves it to be a powerful and efficacious product.


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