Monday 17 November 2014

Quick Remedy for Deadly Dengue

There is a sudden surge of dengue over the past few decades and WHO estimates around 50-100 millions dengue infections worldwide every year.

Dengue is a mosquito borne viral infection, transmitted through the female Aedes aegypti mosquito which is a day time feeder. It has a peak biting period in the morning and in the evening just before the dusk.

Dengue fever has a severe, flu-like illness with symptoms such as high fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, nausea, vomiting rash that affects infants, young children, adults and in acute cases may cause death. These symptoms usually last for 2-7 days.

A typical dengue fever includes:

•    Leucopenia –decrease in no. of white blood cells-
•    Thrombocytopenia- low platelet count
•    Elevated serum aspartate transaminase (AST)level

A study conducted on Dengue patients (NS-1/IgM positive) put on Salveo Andaman Noni has well established the fact that;

•    Patients showed good clinical improvement with the subsidence of fever 
•    Relief from body ache
•    White cell counts increased and recovered within 48 hrs
•    Platelet counts substantially increased within 72 hrs

An overall improved sense of well being with improved appetite.

Salveo Andaman Noni acts as an imunomodulator and thus can counter the immuno-suppression following the dengue infection.


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