Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Wonders of Noni Fruit- Minus the hype

Most of us have already heard and read a lot about the extensive benefits of the Noni fruit and the wonders that it works for the human body. Since the hype has already been there ever since its inception for reasons well known, it is time to trace the origin and benefits of the medicinal fruit. Noni happens to grow well in conducive climate and regions namely Andaman, South Pacific, Polynesian Islands and a few other volcanic regions. Native to Southeast Asia, Noni gives out a pungent odor, once it ripens. Probably, it is for the same reason that Noni is at times, also known as the ‘cheese fruit.

The amount of anti-oxidants, vitamin C and phytochemicals present inside this health supplement is comparatively higher in dosage, compared to an ounce of grape kernels. Stating the other health benefits of the product, would be equivalent to creating a cleaner’s list. The content of Vitamin C present in the product protects liver damage and facilitates the creation of the T-Cells that further act as an immune booster. There is anecdotal evidence from Linus Pauling that large doses of Vitamin C can also act to help ward off viruses  

Mitigating radicals and removing toxins, the freeze dried Noni powder has been a proven resource of improving the cardio-vascular health of a human body. With decent amount of Fructose present in all the, the product assists in get rid of body fatigue and sloth; something that we depend on the aerated energy drinks for.

While most of must would act when the agents of nature take toll on the body, the other would include the Noni freeze dried powder, in their day through day diet. Thus, with myriad health benefits already stated and more in store, Noni is indeed a one-stop solution, for your health related requisites. Salveo Andaman Noni comes from the virgin islands of Andaman & Nicobar islands and its effectiveness is proven.


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