Friday, 26 June 2015

No Alternative To Healthy Eating

If weight loss is what is weighing heavy on your mind, think again. Magic pills, weight loss capsules and tablets promising a transformed you within a matter of few days or even few hours in some cases can wreak havoc with your body and immune system. Crash diets bordering on virtual starvation and staying without food and essential nutrients for hours at a stretch can compound the damage further. It at times compels you to set some arbitrary rules that cannot be continued for longer period or have to be abandoned halfway. Forced dieting can trigger uncontrolled craving for food on the flip side.

The best way to shed excess weight and remain in shape therefore is to stay away consciously from the trappings of misleading advertisements and avoid the pitfalls of crash dieting. There is no alternative to healthy eating.

A healthy diet, balanced meals and eating small portions at regular intervals can actually work wonders. One needs to have patience for this. The results by following this process may not be instant but it is long lasting.

Besides healthy eating if one can tag along good sleep, moderate exercising and genuine health supplement, it will maximize the quality and power of this regimen. Health Supplements helps you to get the adequate amount of essential nutrients .These are available in various forms such as tablets, capsules, juice, and powder. They have the contents mentioned on the label along with information such as active ingredients per servings, added ingredients like fillers and flavors. One must choose the supplement that is pure and natural, free from any additives, beneficial for overall health and indicated for managing various health conditions

Friday, 12 June 2015

Dietary Supplement For A Healthy Life

Today our sedentary and erratic lifestyle, poor diet, sporadic eating and sleeping pattern and pollution have created havoc on our health. It has robbed all energy and happiness from life. But that does not imply that you should compromise with your health.

The deficiency of the vital elements from our body can be easily compensated with a right choice of dietary supplement. Dietary supplements cannot substitute the healthy diet but are intended to supplement the diet. They should be consumed in the prescribed dosage. They can be beneficial for overall health and alleviate some of the health disorders that ruin our day to day activities such as arthritis, fatigue, pain, cough and cold and boost our immunity.
Now the question is how to choose the right supplement when the market is flooded with innumerable brands and catchy coloured packaging? 

Usually the supplements are categorized into various sections such as 

Energy drinks and food
Body building supplement
Essential fatty acids
Amino acids and proteins

These categories of supplements have certain restrictions and limitations that may be beneficial to a group of person and at the same time may do no good for the others. One should always try to aim for a dietary supplement which does not belong to any particular group but possesses the mixed arsenal from the above categories.
Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is one such fruit, loaded with the more than 150 nutraceuticals that has touched the lives of millions! This tropical fruit has been used for centuries to heal a number of health disorders and maintain good health, now it has gained a strong foothold as a safe and effective dietary supplement.

* The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Noni Supportive In Cancertherapy

Cancer though considered as one of the most dreaded diseases yet there is no reason for it to be graded as deadly disease. It may seem that today we are in the middle of a cancer epidemic but some statistics support the fact that we are yet to reach there.

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way through the process of metastasis to nearby tissues or the other body parts. It is not contagious and malignant tumors are responsible for cancer instead benign tumours. In addition to inherited genetic defects, other factors such as environmental pollution, exposure to UV and poor lifestyle, radiation and immunosuppressive drugs are also responsible for aggravating it.

Cancer is curable and at times preventable. It is not necessary that the course of treatment for cancer would be that of modern medicine.Some therapies target and stimulate body’s immune system and boost immunity to fight with the invading pathogens.
One of the strongest health benefits of Noni (the fruit of Morinda citrifolia)isits ability to work at the cellular level to stimulate and enhances the production of various defense mechanism of the body. A research led by Anne Hirazumi, University of Hawaii demonstrated that on treating cancerous lung cells with noni and PEC (peritoneal exudate cells),the PEC defense cells were activated that killed a large number of cancerous cells resulting in significant reduction of tumours.

Similar series of experiments conducted by Hirazumi and her team determined that noni could stimulate the production of macrophages and the activity of nitric oxide, tumor necrosis factor and interleukin which are recognized as anticancer agents.

Despite the advancement in cancer therapies,noni offers a supporting hand to fight cancerin addition to diet changes,exercise and other healthful habits. It has also given great benefit to lessen the side effects of chemotherapy.

* The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Pl don't use this info to diagnose or treat health problems without consulting doctor.